1996 Dodge Avenger Infinity
About Dodge Avenger

The Dodge Avenger is a front-wheel drive, mid-sized sedan that was built by Dodge. The Dodge Avenger made its North American debut in 1994 as a two-door coupe, which was produced until 2000. It was re-introduced to the market as a four-door sports sedan starting in 2008.
The 2000 model year marked the last production for the Avenger, as models for both the Dodge and Chrysler brands were consolidated into the single 2015 Chrysler 200 model, while Dodge received the compact Dart based on the same platform.
1996 Dodge Avenger Infinity Car Audio Wiring Diagram
Car Radio Battery Constant 12v+ Wire: Red
Car Radio Accessory Switched 12v+ Wire: Blue
Car Radio Ground Wire: Chassis
Car Radio Illumination Wire: Green/Orange
Car Stereo Dimmer Wire: Green/Yellow
Car Stereo Antenna Trigger: N/A
Car Stereo Amp Trigger Wire: White/Black
Car Stereo Amplifier Location: Mounted under the rear deck. Some models have a black plastic trim covering the factory amplifier.
Car Audio Front Speakers Size: N/A
Car Audio Front Speakers Location: N/A
Left Front Speaker Positive Wire (+): White/Blue
Left Front Speaker Negative Wire (-): Black/Blue
Right Front Speaker Positive Wire (+): White/Red
Right Front Speaker Negative Wire (-): Black/Red
Car Audio Rear Speakers Size: N/A
Car Audio Rear Speakers Location: N/A
Left Rear Speaker Positive Wire (+): Yellow/Blue
Left Rear Speaker Negative Wire (-): Gray/Blue
Right Rear Speaker Positive Wire (+): Yellow/Red
Right Rear Speaker Negative Wire (-): Gray/Red
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