Here's just a few comments from our customers...


Dear SoundFx,

Wow thank you so much! I really appreciate that,  You are the best person I have ever done business with, Thanks again and I hope you sell a lot more in the future!

- jckferrari321



Dear SoundFx,

Wow thank you very much you have to be the best seller period .thank you and merry xmas.

- cool-tiques


Dear SoundFx,
You are sending me my refund before I return the item?! Thanks. I'll put it in the mail by this weekend after my exams.

 - silentshimmers04


Dear SoundFx,

Hi,  the harness was a straight fit cheers for the help dude ;-)

- robm2589


Dear www.getwiredusa.com,

Thank you so much. This is what I call excellent customer service.

- ttawfik


Dear SoundFx,
One of the best and most reputable folks. Don't hesitate to do business with them.



Dear SoundFx,

 Thank you and we'll keep you in mind for future needs for giving customer satifaction high priority.

-Rich V.


Dear SoundFx,

Thank you kindly. I have had to refund sports tickets in full to the tune of hundreds of dollars because of the Post Office, but I did it because I knew it was the right thing to do. I am happy to see that you have the same integrity.

You just flipped the script and made a customer for life, and I buy a lot of gadgets. Thank you again!

- digital-dynamo


Dear SoundFx,

Hello, really thanks for the replacement, an upgrade, even better. I wished there are more sellers like you. AAA+++.

- tomzki70


Dear SoundFx,

 Thank you very much for being such a great salesmen. I honestly wish more people were like you with their business.



Dear SoundFx,

 Oh....my goodness! Thank you so much. You truly didn't have to do that. Thank you so so much. Bless you

 - karissa1rakayah


Dear SoundFx,

I appreciate your quick professional response  Thank you.

 - skywolf_dancer


Dear SoundFx,

Thanks for your consideration, and your response is very comforting and putting back confidence in me doing business online.  I know all sellers are not the same so I don't know who i'm dealing with unless we communicate. Anyhow thanks again.



Dear SoundFx,

Amazing customer service! Thank you so much!

- ugotnick25